Volunteer Opportunities
Chairperson - Lisa Roy
Co Chairperson - Alissa Rinn
Concessions is a great way for our organization to raise funds while offering a great service to our spectators as they enjoy the game. Volunteer opportunities include setup of concessions, cooking/preparing food, taking orders, and closing down the stand.
Senior Night
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
Attention Junior parents! This event is for senior players and their families to celebrate their last season of play. We need assistance with setting up the balloon arch, placing players' numbers on the fence with cups, table setup, and more.
Senior Night
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
Attention Junior parents! This event is for senior players and their families to celebrate their last season of play. We need assistance with setting up the balloon arch, placing players' numbers on the fence with cups, table setup, and more.
Huntington Classic
Chairperson: Robin Ascioti
Co Chairperson: Bonnie Foley
Co Chairperson: Molly Huntington
Coach Stacy Huntington lost her battle to breast cancer at the age of 44 on June 4, 2015. Stacy coached field hockey on the modified level. Not only was she an amazing mother to Molly, a devoted wife to AL, an amazing athlete herself, but she was also a dedicated and an amazing coach! She was truly an inspiration. Help keep this wonderful tournament alive to commemorate Stacy each year by volunteering with t-shirt sales, tournament setup, raffle ticket sales, concessions, and more.
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
We are looking for a volunteer to setup and oversee the following fundraising events:
Sal's Night
Chipotle or Chik-fil-a Night
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Car Wash Fundraiser
Varsity Banquet
Chairperson: Danielle Schultz
Co Chairperson: TBD
The Varsity banquet is a night to celebrate the players, coaches, and the season! Assistance is needed with decorations and setup, overseeing the collection of tickets for family members attending the banquet, and more.
Website/Social Media
Chairperson - TBD
Looking for a volunteer to keep our website and social media posts filled with up-to-date info and pics to keep us all connected and informed.
Giving Back
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
In the spirit of our mission, we are looking for a volunteer to present opportunities for our players and our families to give back to the community. In the past, we have made donations to the H.E.L.P project and P.E.A.C.E, as well as volunteer our time at We Rise Above.
Apparel Store
Chairperson: Jason Gebhardt
Co Chairperson: Robert Boak
Looking for a volunteer to select a vendor and items for our apparel store. This volunteer will be the contact person for the vendor and relay all updates to the board at our meetings. They will also receive shipments and communicate distribution of purchased items to field hockey families.
JV/Modified Banquet
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
Help organize this end of season celebration. This is a fun, casual event at the end of the season typically held at Durgee Jr. High School. Volunteers are needed to organize and procure refreshments, food, table decorations, setup, and breakdown.
Family Fun Bingo Night
Chairperson: TBD
Co Chairperson: TBD
Volunteer for one of our best events of the year. Family Fun Bingo Night brings families from all of the teams together for an evening filled with competitions, fun, and prizes. Volunteers help with planning and executing the event – including but not limited to the event agenda, procuring refreshments, location, meals, and team pictures/slideshow of season highlights.